Accelerate the healing of acne scars and enhance your facial aesthetics with exosome therapy. Exosome therapy is a transformative technology revolutionizing the cosmetic field. Stem cells have regenerative properties, but they also stimulate the regeneration of surrounding tissue. This paracrine signaling is mediated by exosomes. These are small vesicles in nanometers containing all the essential bioactive ingredients such as growth factors, nucleic acid, proteins, etc. In skin, they effectively reduce the scar width by:
• inducing cell proliferation,
• improving collagen deposition,
• promoting angiogenesis,
• supporting re-epithelialization
Exosomes also alleviate the melanin production and increase elastin synthesis, resulting in reduced hyperpigmentation and restored skin elasticity. They are extracted from stem cells but lack their cellular component, thus devoid of any risks associated with stem cells. The small size of exosomes promotes their absorption through the skin.
Multiple benefits of exosome therapy have prompted dermatologists to utilize the potential of exosome therapy in facial rejuvenation and provide satisfactory outcomes to their patients. Advancexo delivers the high-quality exosomes enriched in miRNAs, growth factors, and proteins required for skin revitalization.